
My Fursona Periwinkle


Reference sheet of my fursona Periwinkle. They are an anthropormorphic blue, purple, and white cat plush with cow horns. They wear a sweater, sweatpants and mismatched socks.


Periwinkle's color palette: sky blue, royal blue, lavender, purple, and white.

The periwinkle flower symbolizes blossoming friendships, sentimental memories, and everlasting love.

Periwinkle is my current fursona, and they are 100% me!

My fursonas often follow how I change over the years, and I created Peri the beginning of last year to represent me unmasking my autism!

It's possible I'll change my fursona again, but at the moment they are the fursona I've felt the most attached to! I love them sm

Collage of many of my Periwinkle drawings